Banquet Ticket - $100
Banquet Table - $1,000
The "Draugas" daily has been published for 100 years. It is the only Lithuanian daily newspaper outside of Lithuania. It is important to maintain this sliver of our Lithuanian heritage. Your donations will help insure the longevity of this publication. Donations will be used to offset daily publication costs and are tax deductible. The Tax ID number is xxxxxx.
Gold Donor - $1000+
A $1,000+ contribution entitles you to 4 tickets to the banquet and an invitation to a VIP reception preceding the banquet
Silver Donor - $500+
A $500+ contribution entitles you to 2 tickets to the banquet and an invitation to a VIP reception preceding the banquet
Amber Donor - $250+
A $250+ contribution entitles you to receive one ticket to the banquet and an invitation to a VIP reception preceding the banquet