Cool summer salads

Morkų ir ridikų mišrainė

2 large carrots, peeled, shredded
8 ounce piece daikon radish, peeled, shredded
2 medium green onions, thinly sliced
3 Tbsps. white vinegar
2 Tbsps. each: canola oil, chopped parsley
1 tsp. honey
¼ tsp. salt
Freshly ground pepper
3 cups small greens (baby spinach, romaine or bib), crisped
Combine carrots, radish and green onion in medium bowl. Whisk together vinegar, oil, parsley, honey, salt and pepper in small bowl. Add to carrot mixture; toss. Taste; adjust seasoning. To serve, arrange greens in small mounds; top with salad.

Raudonųjų kopūstų mišrainė

6 large basil leaves
2-inch chunk red onion
2 Tbsps. each: canola oil, water
1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. honey
¼ cup red wine vinegar
½ tsp. each: salt, freshly ground
black pepper

1 small red cabbage, cored, cut into wedges
1 medium red pepper, diced
1 cup broccoli florets

Add basil and onion to bowl of food processor fitted with metal blade; process until minced, about 2 seconds. Add oil, water, honey, vinegar, salt and pepper. Process about 2 seconds more.

Transfer dressing to bowl. Put cabbage into food processor fitted with slicing disk. Process until sliced. Add to bowl. Add peppers and broccoli; toss until ingredients are well coated. Chill 2 hours. To serve, toss, taste and adjust seasoning.

Salotos su grietine

2 small heads soft lettuce (such as bib, Boston, or similar)
3 hard-boiled eggs
1 tsp. sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 cup sour cream
Wash and dry lettuce thoroughly and set aside in a cool place. Separate hard-boiled egg yolks and egg whites. Grate the yolks and mix with the sugar. Cut the egg whites into small chunks to garnish the salad before serving. Mix the lemon juice with the sour cream and add to the egg yolks. Add salt to taste. Pour the mixture over the lettuce, garnish with the egg whites, and serve at once.

Kimšti pamidorai

6 medium firm tomatoes (reserve pulp)
1 small bunch radishes, cut in small pieces
1 small head bib lettuce, cut in small pieces
3 scallions, cut in small pieces,
2 Tbsps. sour cream
2 Tbsps. chopped dill
Salt and pepper
Cut off tops of firm tomatoes, scooping out pulp and seeds. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Save some of the tomato pulp to mix with the radishes, lettuce and scallions. Add sour cream to the mixed vegetables, along with additional salt and pepper to taste. Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Morkų ir obuolių mišrainė

3 medium carrots, peeled
2 sour apples, peeled
2 Tbsps. sour cream
Sugar (optional)
Lemon juice (optional)
Grate carrots and apples coarsely. Add salt and sour cream and mix. If mixture is bland when tasted after mixing, a bit of sugar and lemon juice may be added.

Daržovių mišrainė

5 medium potatoes, cooked
4 medium carrots, cooked
5 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and cooled
½ cup any leftover meat (pork, beef, veal, sausage) optional
1 medium onion (preferably red),chopped
2 medium sour pickles, cubed
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup sour cream
1 cup cooked peas
1 Tbsp. chopped chives or scallions
Salt and pepper
Cube potatoes, three of the carrots (reserving one for garnish), eggs, and meat (if used). Add chopped onion and cubed pickle. Add the mayonnaise and sour cream and stir to mix. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add peas and mix in gently. Decorate top of the salad with one carrot (cut into a fan shape) and sprinkle with chives.