“DRAUGAS” (“Friend”) is a Lithuanian newspaper published in the United States since July 12, 1909. It is the oldest continuously published Lithuanian newspaper anywhere in the world. For a brief history of the paper as of 2009, please see this article by research librarian Danguole Kviklys published in Lituanus, which has been reprinted with permission on the draugas.org website at this link.
In 2013, the publishers of “DRAUGAS” decided that an English-language newspaper with similar goals was needed, and with the help of several foundations and individual sponsors, “DRAUGAS NEWS”, a monthly, was launched in November of 2013.
In Fall of 2014, the previous publisher of “LITHUANIAN HERITAGE”, a bimonthly magazine focusing on Lithuanian culture, arts, travel, and history, transferred this publication over to the Lithuanian Catholic Press Society. Since November of 2014, the Society is publishing “LITHUANIAN HERITAGE” every 2 months, structured as a cultural supplement to “DRAUGAS NEWS”.
Publisher – Lithuanian Catholic Press Society in Chicago, IL (Vytas Stanevičius, President).
Editor- in-Chief – Vida Kuprytė.
Editor, Lithuanian Heritage – Jonas Daugirdas
Copy Editor, DRAUGAS NEWS – Kazys Oželis
Graphic Design, Layout, DRAUGAS NEWS – Jonas Kuprys
Administration, finances – Silvija Krumplienė
Administration, advertising – Rita Rašymienė
Marketing, advertising – Audronė Kižytė
4545 West 63rd Str.
Chicago, Illinois 60629, USA.
Tel. 773-585-9500; fax 773-585-8284
DRAUGAS NEWS Editors’ office: draugasnews@gmail.com
LITHUANIAN HERITAGE Editors’ office: draugolaikrastis@gmail.com
Administration: rastine@draugas.org
Advertising, subscriptions: skelbimai@draugas.org
Inquiries about new ads: audreykizys@gmail.com