Draugas EN 1946-47

Did you know that DRAUGAS published an English language supplement way back in 1946-1947? As far as we can tell, this effort began on September 6, 1946 and continued until June 5, 1947. The 4-page supplements were published on Fridays. To see the ones in our digital archive, go to:

w w w . d r a u g a s . o r g / a r c h y v a s – p d f – 1 9 4 6 /
w w w . d r a u g a s . o r g / a r c h y v a s – p d f – 1 9 4 7 /

The English language supplements have the letters “EN” after the day of the month.

English language supplement to DRAUGAS from Sept. 6, 1946.  Click on the image for the PDF file.


In 1996 and 1997, DRAUGAS would try again, with a 6-page English language supplement published on Saturdays.  For details on the 1996-1997 supplement, see this page.