Did you know that DRAUGAS published an English language supplement way back in 1946-1947? As far as we can tell, this effort began on September 6, 1946 and continued until June 5, 1947. The 4-page supplements were published on Fridays. To see the ones in our digital archive, go to:
w w w . d r a u g a s . o r g / a r c h y v a s – p d f – 1 9 4 6 /
w w w . d r a u g a s . o r g / a r c h y v a s – p d f – 1 9 4 7 /
The English language supplements have the letters “EN” after the day of the month.
In 1996 and 1997, DRAUGAS would try again, with a 6-page English language supplement published on Saturdays. For details on the 1996-1997 supplement, see this page.