Grybais ądarytos bulvės
6 large potatoes
3 Tbsps. butter
1 onion, chopped
1 cup chopped mushrooms
¼ cup bread crumbs
2 hard cooked egg yolks
Salt and pepper to taste
Peel potatoes and place in baking dish (whole), Bake in 350 ° oven for 30 minutes. Cut off caps at top of potatoes. Scoop out center and fill with mushroom mixture as follows: fry onions and mushroom in butter for 10 minutes. Add bread crumbs, egg yolks and seasoning. Fill potatoes; replace caps and return to buttered baking dish, caps side up. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 ° . You may vary the stuffing with ground ham or ground cooked meat.
Kopūstų sriuba su kiauliena ir grybais
1 lb. pork steak
2 qts. water
1 medium head cabbage, shredded
1 large onion, sliced or chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 can sauerkraut, drained
1 cup sliced mushrooms (fresh or canned)
1 tsp. pepper
Salt to taste
Cut pork into four pieces. Place in large soup kettle. Cover with at least 2 quarts of water. Heat to a boil and simmer slowly for several hours until meat is tender. Remove scum. Drain sauerkraut, reserving juice. Add cabbage, sauerkraut, onion and garlic. Season to taste. Cover and bring to a boil again and simmer for 1 hour. Add mushrooms and cook until tender; remove meat. Stir in more sauerkraut juice, if needed, to make soup more sour. If you add juice, continue cooking for an additional 30 minutes. Cut meat into slices and serve with soup. Serves 6.
Grybų mišrainė
1 lb. large mushrooms
5 Tbsps. salad oil
Hot water
1 bay leaf
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste
Chop mushrooms in a small dice. Saute in oil until softened. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour boiling water over all, just to cover. Add bay leaf and simmer for 20 minutes. Add 1 table- spoon of lemon juice and marinate in the refrigerator for several hours. Drain well and sprinkle with dill. Goes well with herring. Serves 6.
Grybai su grietine
1 lb. mushrooms
1 large onion
1 Tbsp. flour
½ cup sweet cream
½ cup sour cream
Grated farmers cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Cut onion fine and saute in butter until soft and transparent. Cut mush- rooms into small pieces. Add to onion; season and fry until all liquid disappears. Add flour and mix well. Add sweet and sour cream and stir well. Remove to baking dish. Sprinkle with grated farmers cheese; pour melted butter over the top. Place dish in a shallow pan filled with water and bake at 350 ° until mixture becomes thick – about 35 to 45 minutes. Serves 4.
Rauginti kopūstai ir džiovinti grybai
¼ cup dried mushrooms
1 large can sauerkraut
Small head fresh cabbage (approx. 1 lb.)
½ small onion
2 Tbsps. oil
2 Tbsps. margarine
1 beef bouillon cube
2 cups water
Soak mushrooms; wash thoroughly and chop fine. Boil in ½ cup water until soft. Set aside. Finely shred cabbage and put in pot. With hands, squeeze sauerkraut until it does not drip and place in pot. Save juice. Add water. Cook, covered, until cabbage is tender. Saute onions until tender, but not browned; add to sauerkraut. Add chopped mushrooms and sauerkraut juice. Crush bouillon cube and add. Cook for about 5 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Serves 6.
Grybų-perlinių kruopų sriuba
2 large yellow onions, chopped
3 medium carrots, peeled and sliced
½ lb. mushrooms, sliced thin
4 cups beef broth
¼ cup chopped parsley
½ cup medium-size barley
¼ tsp. black pepper
Place all the ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil over moderately high heat. Adjust the heat so the mixture bubbles gently and simmer partly covered for 40 minutes or until barley is tender. Best made the day before and reheated. Serves 4. Mushrooms are very plentiful in the forests of Lithuania this time of the year. Whether fresh or dried, they are one of the most popular ingredients in many typical recipes