Prisiminkite Draugo Fondą savo palikimuose ir testamentuose.
Palikimus skirkite Draugo Fondui, testamente įrašydami: “Draugas Foundation”, EIN numeris: 36-3916303.
Draugo Fondas (Draugas Foundation) yra nepelno siekianti organizacija, 501(c)(3).
Aukos Draugo Fondui nurašomos nuo mokesčių.
Jei turite klausimų, kreipkitės į Draugo Fondo administratorę Mariją Remienę
tel. 708-562-1448.
Wondering about your Estate Plan?
Remember the Draugas Foundation and Assure the Future of Our Lithuanian American Press
With the surge of the internet, many newspapers are downsizing or ceasing publication altogether. The one exception is the ethnic press, which continues to serve its community and in some cases has the altogether audacity to start new ventures as we have with the DRAUGAS NEWS. The production of quality publications is fraught with financial challenges — rising postal rates for ever slower and unreliable service, increasing production costs, and the need to update computers and software.
Since 1992, the Draugas Foundation has served to sustain the Lithuanian language Draugas, and now comes to the aid of the Draugas News as well. Conceived by Rev. Viktoras Rimtelis, MIC, the Draugas Foundation was generously supported by Lithuanian Americans from across the country. Over the years it has supported capital improvements, invested in printing hard-ware, computers, and, when times were especially rough, helped pay operating expenses.
In other words, the Draugas Foundation is our lifeline and guarantor of the future of our unique publication. In order for the Draugas Foundation to fulfill its mission, it needs your support and involvement. Currently its capital account is some 600 thousand dollars. Given our current economy, it is a nominal amount One or two large legacy gifts would greatly enhance the capital balance of the Draugas Foundation and ensure publication of both newspapers for many years to come. Please consider us as you plan your affairs.
Please consider:
- Bequests by will or trusts
- Life income gifts
- Charitable gift annuities
- Charitable remainder annuity trusts
- Charitable remainder unitrusts
- Lead trusts
- Gifts of retirement assets
- Gifts of life insurance
Any charitable gift to the Foundation, regardless of its size is greatly appreciated. Gifts to the Draugas Foundation are fully tax deductible.
If you have already chosen to remember the Foundation in your will, please let us know so we can acknowledge your foresight and commitment.
Maria Remiene
Draugas Foundation
The Draugas Foundation is a 501(c)3 charity (EIN 36-3916303)
Draugas Foundation
4545 W 63rd Street,
Chicago, IL 60629